home Github – current projects uriencode A tiny python tool for uri-encoding any given string one or more times https://github.com/its-sarin/uriencode 0 forks. 0 stars. 0 open issues. Recent commits: Adds tilde encoding to –all option, sar1n Updates readme with revised examples, sar1n Refactors code to use arguments instead of menu; adds ability to force encoding of all characters, sar1n Update README.md, GitHub Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master', Nina Recchia ebay listing scraper Small tool to quickly scrape ebay listings based on a search query and optionally retrieve all images associated with each listing. Outputs to a JSON file. https://github.com/its-sarin/ebay-listing-scraper 1 forks. 3 stars. 0 open issues. Recent commits: Fixes bug with FOLDER NAME setting, Nina Recchia Implements optional functionality for downloading scraped images, Nina Recchia Implements progress bar and removes unwanted results from image links, Nina Recchia Fixes processing of spaces in optional file name, Nina Recchia Updates README, Nina Recchia word list builder A tool for extracting unique words from PDF documents and building a wordlist using those words https://github.com/its-sarin/WordListBuilder 0 forks. 3 stars. 0 open issues. Recent commits: Sorts included common_words list and removes duplicates, Nina Recchia Adds todo items to README, Nina Recchia Update README.md, GitHub Merge remote-tracking branch 'WordListBuilder/master', Nina Recchia Fixes certain ignored words not being added to cached ignore list, Nina Recchia